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Chanakya Niti In Marathi 1823 Torrent Book Rar Mobi Full Version


chanakya niti book in marathi pdf free 1823 The chanakya niti is the most recognized text on political and economic policy in ancient India. It contains a collection of principles and advice on how to achieve dominion over all spheres of an individual's life: his mind, body, property, and family. It was written by Chanakya (also known as Kautilya or Vishnugupta) who was an advisor to Chandragupta Maurya. The work is named after its principal protagonist Chanaka or Chanas who was a charioteer of Emperor Bindusara. The book is mainly in poetic form although prose passages are also found. The currently existing work is incomplete, and it is estimated that originally it was about five times its present length. While the work's author, date of composition and the exact century in which it was completed are subject to debate, scholars generally agree that much of the text predates the common era. In Vishnugupta's "Arthashastra", he describes a political theory based on ethics, where duty ("dharma") precedes desire ("kama") and economics ("artha"), making a hierarchy of pursuits starting with virtue as the foundation of happiness. Its principles are not seen as resulting from a specific date of composition, but rather Vishnugupta explains that he had compiled his teachings during the early Gupta period. The book contains multiple arguments for having four estates ("varnas") of Brahmana, Kshatriya, Vaishya and Shudra. Vishnugupta is noted for his work on the "Chetasutra". Vishnugupta posits that trade becomes more effective if one has first colonized neighboring countries. He also presents various agricultural techniques to increase harvests. Vishnugupta created three categories of land: cultivable land (bhunjang), forest (vana), and wasteland (naal). These three classifications are created on the basis of cultivation, forests, and water supply. The book contains a description of the duties of each caste. The most important contribution that "Arthashastra" made towards business was to stress on the proper documentation of all business transactions. Although this book was not invented by Vishnugupta, he did lay down its principles most clearly. The most distinctive feature of this system is that it is based on oral evidence which is not only verifiable but also widely acceptable. This system includes special mention of contracts written on palm-leaf manuscript, which are still being used in South India to date. The "Arthashastra" places special emphasis on contracts that are oral in nature (validated by witnesses). Even today, the system of business documentation prevalent in South India uses this system to validate any transactions. Chanakya expanded on Pāṇini's grammar, with his introduction of the concept of 'Shabda' (linguistic sound) as distinct from 'Sparsha' (linguistic touch). Later scholars would term these phonetics and phonology respectively. He also admitted novel concepts such as letters indicating short and long vowels, separate letters for nasal consonants and combinations of vowels and consonants other than those present in Sanskrit language. cfa1e77820

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